How DAHS Compares To Other Virginia Public Shelters DAHS has consistently euthanized more animals than almost all other public Virginia animal shelters. 2023🐕 2022🐕 2021🐕 2020🐕 2019🐕 2018🐕 2017🐕 2016🐕 2023🐕 2022🐕 2021🐕 2020🐕 2019🐕 2018🐕 2017🐕 2016🐕 2023🐈 2022🐈 2021🐈 2020🐈 2019🐈 2018🐈 2017🐈 2016🐈 2023🐈 2022🐈 2021🐈 2020🐈 2019🐈 2018🐈 2017🐈 2016🐈 Data Source: Animal Custody Records, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, 2020